Friday, April 1, 2011

ReStore: "It's Our Turn To Move!
A few minutes ago we received word from the city that we are now approved to stock the shelves at the new ReStore location: 51 Austin St.  

This has been a long time coming!

At this time we need able bodied men and women who can help us in the following ways:
  • Move ReStore items from the Shelter Rock site to the new Austin St. site (about 1 mile away).
  • Clean the Shelter Rock Rd. site once items are moved out
  • Stock the shelves at the new Austin St. site 
Those able to help should call the store (203-205-0952) to confirm your availability.  Please leave a message if your call goes into voice mail. 

Our new ReStore is located at:  
51 Austin St., Danbury
(corner of Austin St. and Shalvoy's Lane;  
behind Dutchess Restaurant on White St.)
For more information please contact the Habitat office: (203) 744-1340 or file:///mc/compose?to=info@housatonichabitat.orgrg