Monday, February 28, 2011

The Crown Jewel

My story begins during the roaring 20’s, long before the stock market crash of 1929 in the bustlingly town of Danbury, CT. During this period and until the 1950’s, Danbury was known as the "Hat City’ as well as being a home for many manufacturing companies. During this growth period, new neighborhoods started to pop up. They started to move away from Main Street, the center of the town. Our neighborhood was built close to the grocery store and the elementary school called Locust Avenue. My neighbors and I were close in proximity to one another as we were built on 1/6 of an acre on Crown Street. In all, 23 homes were built and if you came to visit me, you would look for number 20.
As the neighborhood developed, I noticed a bond among the families. They looked out for one another, provided a helping hand to each other, celebrated and comforted each other during life’s ups and downs. Families took pride in us and made sure we looked our best both inside and out.
When the first family took residence inside my newly built walls, I was ready and willing to give them a place where they could feel secure, comfortable and build memories. I remember the family was amazed at how beautiful I looked and were impressed with the craftsmanship of my structure. I remember how proud they were of me. Oh how the family blossomed while they lived with me!
What I remember most, were the meaningful conversations among the parents and children at dinner time, the laughter of the children as they played from room to room. I took great pleasure in comforting them as they slept peacefully during the night. How I loved it when families would decorate my walls with their pictures filled my space with furniture and other personal touches that made me a home. A place where they would retreat and enjoy each other’s company.
As the neighborhood developed, I noticed a bond among the families. They looked out for one another, provided a helping hand to each other, celebrated and comforted each other during life’s ups and downs. Families took pride in us and made sure we looked our best both inside and out.
When I needed repairs in my younger years, I was tended to immediately. This kept me fit so that the family did not worry and was able to get on with their busy lives. Many years after the first family resided with me, there were other families that lived with me. Even though I missed the first family, I so enjoyed being able to provide the same comforts to each family.
Over time, my structure and other important systems began to show signs of age. I grew concerned. I did not know what would become of me. Would I no longer have families living with me? Would I no longer hear the sounds of a family enjoying living with me or appreciate what I could offer them? This was a sad period of my existence.
2-13-11 Once, I thought I was going to receive the care I needed to keep me going for many years to come. I received a couple of new windows and the preparations for a fresh coat of paint, but suddenly it stopped. This was right around the time when the housing market took a nose dive and the economy was in dire straits. I was so disappointed! It appeared that I had reached the end of my useful life.
Then a ray of hope appeared one day in 2009. On this sunny spring day, people arrived in trucks to examine me. They wanted to see if I was worth the time and money for structural and cosmetic improvements. One person checked my rooftop, another checked the interior and yet another person checked my foundation. I did not know whether they would return. Did I pass the test? Would I receive the improvements necessary to continue serving families? Many days or was it weeks, went by, but no one else visited.
I tried not to get my hopes up to only be disappointed. But this time it was different. They came back! These folks were interested in restoring me back to my glory days. I heard bits and pieces of what could be done to me so that I could meet Danbury’s building codes. It was going to be a lot of work but they were up to the challenge. Through my cracked windows I saw a name on one of the vehicles – Housatonic Habitat for Humanity.
I now knew that I would be saved; restored and best of all, a family will be living with me once more.. This Housatonic Habitat for Humanity group is well known throughout the community for giving homes like me, new life and making it a reality for a family to own a home. I looked out again and noticed another group – Shemin the Landscape Supply Company. This company is based in Danbury and has locations across a large portion of the United States for providing products ranging from plants and trees to tools and grass seed. I knew I was in good hands with this partnership.
The wall breaking ceremony took place on December 11, 2009 and so many representatives from Housatonic Habitat and Shemin were present to witness the start of a new me.
Over the next few months many workers arrived with tools and materials in hand. They stripped me down to my studs and tore off the back side to make way for a new foundation to support an expanded kitchen and proper second story bathroom. Though I was vulnerable to the outside elements, I trusted the workers that all would go well.
In early 2010, I met my new family - Lester & Stephanie Lopez, Stephanie’s mother, Kathy and their son Danny. I was ecstatic knowing that I would once again hear the happy sounds of a family under my roof.
New windows, new siding, and a new porch dramatically improved my appearance in the neighborhood. My neighbors and their families began to notice. And, not only was my physical structure being restored but also the grounds around me. My new outside was complemented by the addition of a new sidewalk, a freshly sodded lawn, a new driveway and fresh shrubs at my doorstep.
Then things really got moving inside. The first thing you will notice when you step inside is the openness of my first floor. My family will be able to be together even if they are in different areas. You will then notice I have a new staircase that leads to the sleeping quarters on the second floor. No more spiral stairs that made it difficult to climb up. I am giddy just thinking about all the new things that were added to me like the new bathrooms and kitchen that includes a new stove and refrigerator. The changes are too numerous to list. Lester and Stephanie can fill you in on the rest.
Thanks to the many community groups and individual volunteers, Housatonic Habitat, Shemin, and the sweat equity of the Lopez family, I am completely restored and new. I am ready to provide my new family with the comfort, warmth, and a stable foundation so that they can start building memories. I will once again hear the laughter of the children playing, meaningful family conversations; and my proud walls will be decorated with their family photos.
Recently, I was thrilled to hear about a new addition to the household, another son named Tyler who was born in September on the 27th. I see he is here today.
To my new family. . . I dedicate myself to you to be your home and serve you the best I can today and into the future.
I am now known as the Crown Jewel of the neighborhood!