Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Local Boy Scouts have raised over $40,000 to build homes for deserving families

In the past three years, local Boy Scouts have raised over $40,000 to build homes for deserving families by collecting plastic bottles and aluminum cans.  Boy Scout representative, Chris Goodrich, presented Housatonic Habitat for Humanity with a check for $3,287.00 representing three months of can collection proceeds.  Goodrich, also a Housatonic Habitat volunteer, coordinates the Fairfield and New Haven county "Scouts CAN" project.  Over 35 individual scouts participated in the project, with strong efforts coming from the Ridgefield CT Scouting troops.  The Scouts set up can collection points at local convenient spots and transport the cans monthly to a collection point where the cans are sold for cash. The $40,000 has been used towards the purchase of a property in Danbury that will house two deserving families.

Ridgefielders bring their deposit only plastic bottles and aluminum cans to donate to the program.  Every weekend the scouts - from 3 Ridgefield boy scout troops and 2-3 cub scout packs- empty the bins, sorting the bottles from cans and bagging them for pick up. 
Ridgefielders can bring their deposit containers (no glass) to the ScoutsCAN bins adjacent to the Ridgefield Recycling Center on South Street.  Ridgefielders have been extremely generous in donating their deposit bottles and cans to this program.  They forgo redeeming the deposit for themselves and separate out the bottles and cans from the rest of their recyclables that they drop off at the recycling center.

Housatonic Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization and depends on donations like this to fund their mission.  HHFH seeks to eliminate poverty housing from sixteen towns in western Connecticut and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.  In view of that vision, HHFH mobilizes the local community to provide responsible homeownership opportunities to families with limited income. 

Housatonic Habitat for Humanity covers New Canaan, Wilton, Weston, Redding, Ridgefield, Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, New Fairfield, Sherman, New Milford, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Gaylordsville, Newtown and Washington.

For more information, call 203-744-1392 or email with Scouts CAN in the subject line.

Photo Caption:  Ridgefield Cub Scout Den #10 from BES Pack 126 collecting recyclable deposit-only plastic bottles and cans for
Housatonic Habitat for Humanity.From left-to-right are: Brett Anderson, Carter Anderson, Malcolm McGrath, Peter Kirchner, and Paul McCarthy.

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